Personal Loans
Personalized loans. Zero regrets.
No bad choices. Just good banking.

Personal Loans
15k maximum loan amount
Up to a 60-month term

Share Secured and Certificate
Utilize your existing savings at low rates
No credit check or income verification
Member Testimonial
I had been with Valley 1st Community Federal Credit Union since I started working as a teenager and taking care of my own finances. Both of my parents are members of Valley 1st as well. Though I've since moved away from where continuing to do business with Valley 1st was feasible, I enjoyed doing business with them as much as one can enjoy doing business with a financial institution. In particular, I had a great experience getting a car loan through Valley 1st, because I was young and my credit history was still in its infancy, yet they were willing to work with me and not treat me as if I wasn't a liability in the making (which had been my experience attempting to get in-house financing through several dealerships prior to that point). I can think of no negative experiences while doing business with Valley 1st and I recommend them highly.
- Marion J.